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- Informa Economics, "Analysis of Corn, Commodity, and Consumer Food Prices", July 2011
- Daynard, T & K, "What are the Effects of Biofuels and Bioproducts on the Environment, Crop and Food Prices and World Hunger?", April 2011
- Du, Xiaodong & Dermot J. Hayes, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, "The Impact of Ethanol Producion on US and Regional Gas Markets: An Update to May 2009", April 2011
- International Energy Agency, "Technology Roadmap: Biofuels for Transport", 2011
- Ethanol Across America, Fall 2008
- Rick Tolman, NCGA, May 2008
- Ethanol Across America, Summer 2008
- North Dakota Farmers Union, July 2008
- John M. Urbanchuk, May 2008
- Dr. Robert Zubrin, in 'The New Atlantis', Spring 2008
- Mark Cooper, Consumer Federation of America, March 2008
- Rick Tolman, NCGA, 2008
- John M. Urbanchuk, June 2007
- Mark Cooper, Consumer Federation of America, 2007
- Bruce E. Dale, Ph. D., 2007
- Farrell et al., in 'Science', 2006
- The Economist, 2005
- Mark Cooper, Consumer Federation of America, 2005
- Natural Resources Canada, 2004
- John M. Urbanchuk, 2004
- Gary Z. Whitten, 2004
- Shapouri, H. (USDA), Duffield, J. (USDA/OCE), et al., 2004
- GreenField Ethanol Presentation