| Small scale wind turbine Small scale wind technologies
The UK has the best wind resource in Europe. It is an asset, if properly exploited, could provide a considerable proportion of the energy needed in our country. A combination of some of the world's best innovators and our unrivalled wind resource, the UK has a chance of becoming a world leader in small wind energy technologies.
Small scale renewable energy technologies such as small wind turbines generate clean and renewable energy with no harmful emissions.
The DTI estimates that by 2050, up to 30-40% of UK's electricity generation could be produced by small and microgeneration technologies, including 6% from small wind energy generation. The UK's housing sector is responsible for around 28% of the UK's CO2 emissions. If the 25 million homes in the UK, as well as schools, businesses and other public and private sector buildings generated more of their own energy, they would help make a huge contribution to reducing harmful carbon emissions, and assist in the battle against climate change. The small scale wind sector is attracting a lot of attention as the technologies are mainstreamed and are becoming readily available in the market place.
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