Technology Assessment & Research
(TA&R) Project Categories
Offshore Structures There are
3,600 production
facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). These structures are
susceptible to corrosion,
damage caused by dropped objects, extreme
storms, and contacts from vessels. The integrity (condition) of older
platforms must be maintained. To ensure the safety and integrity of existing
structures, improved inspection and monitoring systems need to be devised
for platforms. The BOEMRE, through the Technology Assessment and Research
(TA&R) Program, is working with the industry to assess and improve these
A few examples of
offshore rigs, drilling and production platforms.
Left to right: onshore
platform; fixed platform; jackup rig; semi-submersible;
drill ship; tension leg platform. |
Exploratory wells
have been drilled at depths in excess of 10,000 feet. Production systems are being designed for depths of
6,000 feet and greater. The product pipeline networks for gas and oil will extend well off
the continental slope. Large reservoirs serviced by tension leg platforms or spar
platform derivatives will be operated by a consortia of companies and have extended
capability to handle distant subsea completions. Smaller reservoirs will use small moored
floating platforms for production, many of which will be reusable in other locations. The
business climate will demand innovative platform configurations, reductions in the weight
and cost of risers and mooring systems and solutions to the pipeline reliability problems.
As more reserves are being discovered in deep
water, the technology needed to design and build deep-ocean compliant
structures, such as tension leg platforms, continues to evolve to meet
technical and economic needs for deepwater development. This rapid evolution
in technology needs to be independently verified to ensure continued safety
of operations and protection of the environment.
Recent interest in exploration and development on the
Alaskan-area OCS has led to a need for new research to ensure the Best
Available and Safest Technologies are utilized in this expanding frontier.
A complete list of projects BOEMRE TA&R Project has undertaken
pertaining to structural issues is outlined below. Double-clicking on the
number will bring up more information on the project.
Offshore Structure Reports |
001 |
Inspection/Testing/Monitoring of Offshore Structures |
002 |
Dynamic Response of Offshore
Structures |
003 |
Incipient Crack Detection in
Offshore Structures |
005 |
Attenuating Surface Waves in a
Localized Region of the Open Ocean |
006 |
Research Program Advisory |
007 |
Unmanned, Untethered Inspection
Vehicle Technology (the EAVE Program) |
010 |
Subsea Inspection |
019 |
Hurricane - Driven Ocean Currents |
023 |
Incipient Structural Failure by
the Random Decrement Method |
029 |
Deepwater Structures Technology
Assessment |
030 |
Acoustic Imaging Technology for
Underwater Inspection |
031 |
Technology Assessment for
Offshore Pile Design |
033 |
Vibration Monitoring of Offshore
Structures |
034 |
Nondestructive Examination (NDE)
Round Robin Test Agent |
035 |
Gas Generator for Powering the
Cavitation Erosion Cleaning Device of Project Number 4 |
037 |
Structural Materials for Arctic
Operations |
040 |
Mechanical Properties of Sea Ice |
041 |
Ultrasonic Inspection of
Underwater Structural Joints |
042 |
Arctic Underwater Structure
Inspection |
043 |
Ice Forces Against Arctic
Offshore Structures |
045 |
Field Study of the Dynamic
Response of Single Piles and Pile Groups in Stiff Clay |
046 |
Behavior of Piles and Pile Groups
in Cohesionless Soils |
047 |
Study of Method of Design of
Piles in Clay Soils Under Repeated Lateral Loads |
048 |
A Study of Structural and
Geo-technical Aspects of Tension Leg Platforms |
049 |
Fitness-for-Service Criteria for
Assessing the Significance of Fatigue Cracks in Offshore Structures |
050 |
Development and Testing of an Ice
Sensor |
052 |
Dynamics and Reliability of
Compliant Drilling and Production Platforms |
053 |
Behavior of Concrete Offshore
Structures in Cold Regions |
054 |
Pile Foundation Design for Ocean
Structures |
056 |
Assessment of Structural Icing |
057 |
Static Lateral Load Tests on
Instrumented Piles in Sand |
058 |
Wave Forces on Ocean Structures |
059 |
Foundation Stability of Jack-up
Platforms |
060 |
Tension Pile Test, Joint Industry
Project |
061 |
Superstructure Icing Data
Collection and Analysis |
062 |
Southern Bering Sea Production
System Study |
064 |
Caisson Monitoring Project |
065 |
De-icing and Prevention of Ice
Formation on Offshore Drilling Platforms |
066 |
Evaluation of Structural Concepts
for Norton Sound |
067 |
Rig Mooring Reliability |
069 |
Reliability of Gravel Mat
Foundations for Arctic Gravity Structures |
071 |
Assessment of Analysis Techniques
for Compliant Structures |
072 |
Torsional Evaluation of
Stiffening Members in Marine Structures |
074 |
Drag and Oscillation of Marine
Risers and Slack Cables |
077 |
Ice Stress Measurements |
078 |
Structural Concepts for Lease
Sale 87 |
080 |
Development of a New Philosophy
for Effective Underwater Inspection |
082 |
Numerical Wave Force Simulation |
083 |
Numerical Modeling of
Ice-Structure Interaction |
088 |
Inspectibility of Tension Leg
Platform Tendons |
090 |
Evaluation of Short,
Large-Diameter Piles for Arctic Applications |
092 |
A Theoretical Investigation on
the Behavior of Complaint Risers |
093 |
Site-Response, Liquefaction and
Soil-Pile Interaction Studies Involving the Centrifuge |
094 |
Dynamic Motion Study of a Large
Scale Compliant Platform |
095 |
Structural Icing Study, St.
George Basin |
096 |
Probability Based Design Criteria
for Ice Loads on Fixed Structures in the Beaufort Sea |
098 |
Punching Shear Resistance of
Concrete Offshore Structures for the Arctic |
099 |
Measurement of Ice Stress Around
a Caisson Retained Island in the Beaufort Sea |
101 |
Residual Strength of Offshore
Structures After Damage |
103 |
Ocean Wave Simulation Model |
104 |
Damage Evaluation by System
Identification Techniques |
106 |
Development of Inspection and
Repair Programs for Fixed Offshore Platforms |
107 |
Offshore Structural Systems
Reliability |
108 |
An Investigation of the
Non-Linear Behavior of Compliant Risers |
110 |
Response to Spray Ice Structures
to Ice, Atmospheric, and Oceanographic Forces |
111 |
Development of a Method to
Evaluate the Tension Capacity of Drilled and Grouted Piles |
112 |
Project Cancelled |
115 |
Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of
Offshore Platforms |
116 |
Impact of Annual Ice with a
Cable-Moored Platform |
117 |
Project Cancelled |
118 |
Blast Effects Upon the
Environment from the Removal of Platform Legs by Explosives |
122 |
Earthquake Response of a Platform
by the System Identification Technique |
123 |
Molikpaq Ice Force Measurement
Program |
124 |
Quality Control Test for Platform
Weldment Fracture Toughness |
125 |
Seismic Response Analysis of
Offshore Pile Supported Structures |
127 |
A Magneto-Optic Based Flaw
Imaging Technique for Underwater Applications |
128 |
Response of Piles to Earthquake
Ground Motions |
129 |
Methodology for Comparison of
Alternative Production Systems |
130 |
Interference/Clearance Problem of
Risers in Floating Production Systems |
133 |
Synthetic-Fiber Mooring Lines for
Deepwater Floating Production Facilities |
134 |
Impact of Crushed Ice on the
Ice-Structure Interaction for Arctic Platforms |
139 |
Operational RIGMOOR |
140 |
Wind Loads and Wind/Wave
Interaction on Compliant Offshore Structures |
141 |
Nipterk Spray Ice Island-Summer
Protection Experiment |
143 |
Testing and Evaluation of Damaged
Jacket Braces |
144 |
Fatigue of High Strength Steels
for Innovative Offshore Structures |
145 |
Response Prediction Techniques
for Risers in Sheared Currents |
146 |
Safety of Existing Steel Jacket
Platforms |
147 |
Method for Predicting
Hydrodynamic Damping for Offshore Structures |
166 |
Seismic Response Characteristics
for Topside Facilities |
167 |
Management of Human Error in
Operations of Offshore Facilities |
169 |
Capacity Analysis Program for
Verification of Fixed Platforms |
170 |
Improved Means of Offshore
Platform Fire Resistance |
171 |
International Workshop on the
Seismic Design and Requalification of Offshore Platforms |
172 |
Methodology for Assessing the
Structural Integrity of Existing Platforms Subject to Seismic Loading |
173 |
Methodology for Formal Safety
Assessment of the Topsides of Offshore Production Facilities |
177 |
Offshore Platform Database and
Performance Evaluation System |
178 |
Large-scale Ice Fracture
Experiments |
181 |
Assessment of Spray Ice
Technology |
182 |
Testing and Evaluation of Grout
Repaired Tubular Members |
183 |
Further Investigation into
Capacity Analysis Procedures |
184 |
International Workshop on Pile
Foundation |
186 |
Hydrodynamic Damping and Combined
Motion Loading (HYDAMP II) |
187 |
Analytical Simulation of Biased
Loaded Tension Piles in Earthquakes |
188 |
Model Design Code Development for
Floating Structures |
189 |
Strengthening Modifications and
Repair Techniques |
192 |
International Workshop for
Requalification of Offshore Structures |
193 |
Study and Hindcast of Wind and
Wave Fields for Hurricane Andrew |
194 |
Calibration of Mooring Design
Code for Floating Drilling and Production Platforms |
196 |
Sea Ice Scaling Effects |
199 |
Hurricane Andrew Calibration
Study |
200 |
Securing Procedures for Mobile
Drilling Units (MODU's) in the Gulf of Mexico |
202 |
Methodologies for Platform
Requalifications |
204 |
Post Mortem Platform Failure
Evaluation Study |
205 |
Post Mortem Platform Failure
Study |
206 |
Shallow Water Wave and Current
Field Study |
207 |
API/Hurricane Foundation Study |
209 |
Development of Acceptance
Criteria for Caisson Structures Damaged During Hurricane Andrew |
210 |
Hurricane Andrew Effects on
Offshore Platforms |
211 |
Architect and Engineering
Services |
212 |
Deep Water Subsea Conceptual
Studies, Phase 1. |
213 |
Design and Reassessment of
Tubular Joints in Offshore Structures, Phase 4. |
215 |
Study into the Strength
Reliability of Offshore Structures |
216 |
SPAR Development Model Test
Program |
217 |
A Guide for Risk Assessment of
Offshore Platforms |
222 |
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard
Analysis for Offshore Platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel |
223 |
An Information Management System
for the Reassessment of Offshore Platforms |
224 |
Dynamic Non-linear Loading
Effects on Offshore Platforms |
225 |
Development of Evaluation
Guidelines for Offshore Platform Topsides in Seismic Regions |
227 |
Development of Grouted Tubular
Joint Technology for Offshore Strengthening and Repair |
229 |
Hurricane Andrew Effects on
Offshore Platforms (Phase II - JIP) |
231 |
Sea Ice Mechanics Workshop |
232 |
Investigation of New Techniques
for Abandonment of Offshore Structures |
233 |
DNR-MMS Louisiana Offshore
Pipeline and Platform Map |
234 |
Lease Abandonment: Technology,
Environmental Effects and Regulation (Lease Abandonment Workshop) |
235 |
Summary of State of Louisiana's
Oil Spill Regulations and Programs For Platforms and Pipelines Located in State Waters
(OPA 90) |
236 |
Development and Testing of the
FLAIM (Fire and Life Safety Assessment Indexing Model) for Evaluating the Safety of
Offshore Platforms and Marine Loading Terminals |
237 |
Behavior of Suction Caisson
Foundations |
238 |
Recommended Procedure for Design
of Drag-embedment (Fluke) Anchors |
241 |
Assessment of Tubular Steel
Joints in Existing Offshore Structures |
243 |
Cathodic Retrofits for Offshore
Structures |
246 |
Reliability-Based Reassessment of
Jacket Platforms |
250 |
International Workshop on Use of
Human & Organizational Factors (HOF) in the Management of Safety and Environmental
Hazards for Offshore Operations and Facilities |
251 |
International Workshop on
Advanced Material for Marine Structures |
258 |
API Benchmark Structure |
261 |
Integrity Assessment for Aging
Structures--Evaluation and Improving the Effectiveness of Ultrasonic Testing |
262 |
Analytical and Experimental
Investigations of the Behavior of Tubular Frames, Phase III |
263 |
Underwater Welding Development
Program, Phase II |
266 |
Support of the Offshore
Technology Research Center |
267 |
Development, Testing and
Evaluation of an Explosive Shock Wave Focusing Tool with Minimum Explosive Weight |
270 |
Decommissioning of Oil and Gas
Facilities Offshore California Workshop |
273 |
Strengthening, Modification and
Repair Techniques for Offshore Platforms--Phase II |
274 |
Assessment Criteria and Reserve
Strength of Tubular Joints--Phase II |
275 |
Riser Reliability Analysis |
277 |
Structural Integrity Assessment
and Repair of Corrosion-Damaged Offshore Platform Tubulars |
279 |
Assessment of the Feasibility for
the Application of Threaded Connectors in Offshore Platform Caissons |
281 |
Assessment of the Effects of
Damage and Repairs of Existing Gulf of Mexico Platforms |
283 |
Comparative Evaluation of Minimum
Structures and Jackets |
292 |
304 |
Avoidance of Vibration Fatigue
Failure in Process Piping Systems |
305 |
Highly Compliant Rigid-Pipe Riser
Analysis |
308 |
International Workshop on
Advanced Methods of Corrosion Mitigating for Marine Structures |
314 |
Continued Development of
Earthquake Load and Resistance Factor Design Guidelines |
315 |
Engineers Design Guide to
Deepwater Fiber Moorings |
316 |
Reliability Study for Synthetic
Moorings |
322 |
Workshop on
"State-of-the-Art Development of Composite Structures for Offshore Production
Platforms" |
323 |
Workshop on "Mexico Offshore
Risk Based Technology Developments" |
326 |
Underwater Welding Workshop |
328 |
OTRC Cooperative Agreement |
345 |
Rationalization and Optimization
of Underwater Inspection Planning Consistent With API RP2A Section 14 |
346 |
Tailor-Designed Underwater Wet
Welding Process for Offshore Structures and Pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico |
360 |
Riser Interaction Model: A
Combined T/F Domain Model |
361 |
Numerical Prediction of the
Non-Linear Hydrodynamic Forces and Responses of Flexible Offshore Structures (VIV) |
368 |
Response of Tanker Based FPSO to
GOM Hurricanes |
372 |
State of the Art of Removing
Large Platforms Located in Deep Water |
374 |
Measurement of Wind Load
Resistance on Drilling Structures |
385 |
IUTAM Symposium: Scaling Laws in
Ice Mechanics and Ice Dynamics |
388 |
Fire and Blast Information Group
392 |
International Composites Workshop |
394 |
Interim Damage Criteria for
Replacing Damaged Polyester Rope |
396 |
Guidelines of the Definition and
Reporting of Significant Damage to Fixed Steel Offshore Platforms |
399 |
An International Workshop on Fire
and Blast Engineering for the Offshore Industry |
402 |
Workshop on FPSO |
405 |
Determination of the Feasibility
of Thermite Sparking with Aluminum Striking Rusted Steel or Vice-Versa, etc. |
406 |
FPSO Roll Motions |
418 |
Risk-Extend Comparative Risk
Assessment (CRA) for a SPAR-based FPSO |
419 |
Offloading Operability JIP- FPSOs |
420 |
Safe-Flow JIP |
429 |
Platform Removal Using Engineered Charges: In Situ Comparison of Engineered
and Bulk Explosive Charges |
438 |
Membership in International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) |
441 |
Mitigating Greenwater Damage Through Design |
444 |
Monitoring for Composite Elements
and Workshop |
446 |
Capabilities |
447 |
Qualifying New Technologies Workshop |
448 |
464 |
Development of Integrity Methodologies for the Topsides of Offshore
Production Facilities |
466 |
Validation and Calibration of API-RP-2A Using Hurricane Lili to Update the
Hurricane Andrew JIP Results that provided the basis for API Section 17 |
467 |
Hindcast Study of Winds, Waves, and Currents in N. GOM in Hurricane Lili
(2002) |
469 |
Mortem Failure Assessment of Drilling Rigs During Hurricane Lili |
472 |
Offshore Deep Slopes (PODS) - Phase II |
482 |
VIM/SPAR Industry Forum |
483 |
Simulation of Ocean Turbulence Interactions with Spar Platforms |
484 |
Oceanic Turbulence Project
(Ocean Turbulence Loads and Effects on Offshore Structures) |
488 |
Global Analysis of FPSO and
Shuttle Tanker During Offloading |
489 |
Testing of Composites - Delayed |
502 |
Assessment of New and/or
Improved Repair Techniques for Ageing or Damaged Structures |
538 |
Research to Control Underwater Noise from Oil Drilling and Production
Operations |
543 |
Development of Recommended API
Practice for Structural Integrity Management of Fixed Offshore Platforms
(JIP) |
549 |
Assessment of Fixed Offshore
Platforms in Hurricane Ivan, Andrew and Lili |
550 |
A Pilot Study for
Regionally-Consistent Hazard Susceptibility Mapping of Submarine Mudslides,
Offshore Gulf of Mexico |
551 |
Assessment of Drilling and
Workover Rig Storm Sea Fastenings on Offshore Floating Platforms During
Hurricane Ivan |
552 |
Mudslides during Hurricane Ivan and an Assessment of the Potential for
Future Mudslides in the Gulf of Mexico |
553 |
Pipeline Damage Assessment
from Hurricane Ivan |
556 |
Risk Assessment of
Submarine Slope Stability - Hydroplaning |
559 |
Offshore Hurricane Readiness & Recovery
Conference |
560 |
Performance of Deepwater Production Platforms |
561 |
LNG Process Safety Design |
570 |
Measurement of the Effect of Depth Below Mudline of
Charge Placement During EROs |
571 |
Loads due to Extreme Wave Crests |
578 |
Assessment of Fixed Offshore Platform Performance in Hurricanes Katrina
and Rita |
584 |
Arctic Offshore Technology Assessment of Exploration and Production
Options for Cold Regions of the US Outer Continental Shelf |
591 |
Evaluate Accuracy of Polyester Subrope Damage Detection
Performed by ROVs Following Hurricanes and Other Events |
592 |
Connector Designs for Top
and Bottom Tendon Connections |
596 |
Sea Spray Icing of Drilling and
Production Platforms |
597 |
Assessment of Superstructure Ice
Protection As Applied to Offshore Oil Operations Safety |
603 |
Stability of Tension Leg Platforms with Damaged
Tendons |
| |