Nuclear Power
MEGAWATTS of Nuclear Energy |
Nuclear power meets more than 50 per cent of Ontario's electricity needs. It has two major benefits - low operating costs and virtually none of the emissions that lead to smog, acid rain or global warming. These benefits make nuclear a very attractive option for meeting the province's electricity needs well into the future.
Ontario Power Generation owns and operates the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Power Stations. The two stations have a combined generating capacity of about 6,600 megawatts.
Pickering Nuclear |
Darlington Nuclear |
Improved Nuclear Performance
Accounting for almost 30 per cent of the electricity generated in Ontario in 2011, OPG’s 10 nuclear units generated 48.6 terrawatt hours (TWh).
OPG's nuclear production benefited from the outstanding performance of the Darlington generating station. The station achieved a capability factor of 95.2 per cent. Five of OPG’s ten units operated at a capability factor of greater than 90 per cent, and two other units operated at a capability factor of greater than 80 per cent.
The number one priority at each of OPG’s nuclear stations is to ensure
that there are no public safety concerns as a result of our operations.
Our nuclear stations are designed with multiple safety systems and are
staffed by station personnel who are extremely well trained.
In the four decades that nuclear energy has served Canada’s energy
needs, no member of the public has ever been harmed as a result
of a radiation emission from a nuclear power plant or waste storage
facility. An excellent measure demonstrating that the public is
protected at all times from radiation emissions is provided by the
continuous monitoring of radiation exposure at the perimeter of
our stations.
Community Support
OPG is proud of our contribution to the communities in which we operate. We welcome the opportunity to talk with people about nuclear power, and provide answers to your questions about our operations.
We encourage you to learn more by visiting our Information Centres. Learn about how our stations produce electricity and issues related to nuclear power, such as nuclear waste management.
Performance Reports
Find out more about how each of our nuclear stations performed last quarter.
New Build
Learn more about the Darlington New Build Project.
Nuclear Investment Strategy
OPG moves to planning phase of Darlington refurbishment. Pickering Nuclear Units 5, 6, 7 and 8 to enter final decade of operation. The estimated cost for the continued operation is approximately $200 million. (The original $300 million figure provided at the time of the announcement was a conservative estimate that provided an upper bound on the potential costs.)
VBO Performance
Read about the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear vacuum building outages.