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Renewable Energy Conversion
Photovoltaic Land Area Estimator
Wind Power Land Area Estimator
Renewable Energy Growth Estimator

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Wind Farm Area Calculator

This calculator estimates land-area requirements for wind power systems. The results indicate a "footprint" of land that has to be taken out of production to provide space for turbine towers, roads, and support structures.

The "footprint," which is typically around 0.25 acres per turbine, does not include the 5-10 turbine diameters of spacing required between wind turbines. Because of this spacing, the area included within the perimeter of the wind farm will be larger. However, it is important to note that the land between the turbines - minus the "footprint" area - is still usable for its original purpose. For a more detailed analysis of land use by wind farms, please see Land-Use Requirements of Modern Wind Power Plants in the United States.

Input Value
Area per turbine
Size of turbine
The estimated land area required is: 0.25 acres.
This calculation assumes 1"000 kW and 1 turbines each requiring an area of 0.25 acres.
Note: This value represents the area taken out of production on a farm.
The area within the perimeter of the wind farm will be larger due to spacing
of the turbines, but is still useable by the farm.
Typical turbine spacing in wind farms is placing the towers 5 to 10
turbine diameters apart, depending on local conditions.


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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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