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Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation Task Force

Canada's Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation Sector

In Canada, energy falls under provincial jurisdiction and most targets for renewable energy are provincial. Provincial targets for deployment of renewable energy:

  • Nova Scotia: at least 20% electricity to be produced by renewable energy by 2013.
  • Quebec: targets include 4,000 megawatts of grid-connected wind energy.
  • Ontario targets include 5,000 megawatts of wind, 1,500 megawatts of new hydro and 40 megawatts of solar photovoltaic by 2025 so that by 2010 10% of total capacity is from renewable sources.
  • Saskatchewan: one third of energy needs from renewable energy sources by 2030. All new generation to be renewables until 2010.
  • British Columbia: Renewable energy is 10% of total generation by 2010. 50% of new supply must meet BC Clean Electricity guidelines by 2013.

Research, development and demonstration programs