FOREWORD 3 A FUTURE OF WIND ENERGY The global market for wind energy is gaining ground as wind technologies are getting more and more sophisticated and competitive Lars Christian Lilleholt Danish Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate With more than 40 years of experience and a world-class energy sector, Denmark is uniquely positioned to play a key role in the future market for wind technology. Since the oil crisis in the early 1970s Denmark has moved towards a national energy system that is more and more reliant on renewable energy sources, with wind energy playing a key role. The global demand for energy is expected to rise dramatically in the coming years. Wind energy will undoubtedly be an important part of the solution to this and connected challenges related to climate change and security of supply. From 2000 to 2013 global installed wind power capacity increased with an average growth rate of 25% per year. According to the IEA wind energy could account for 8% of the global generation mix in 2040. Largest share of wind in the world Denmark has a total installed wind energy capacity of more than 5,000 MW and on windy days, wind turbines produce more than the domestic Danish demand. Furthermore, Denmark is the country in the world with the largest share of wind integrated in the grid. This means that more and more countries - developed and developing - are looking towards Denmark for inspiration and cooperation. We shall continue to use this unique position to generate more sustainable economic growth and jobs in both Denmark and abroad. A world class wind energy sector Danish wind companies belong to the top league globally. In 2014, the Danish wind sector’s export reached DKK 53.5 bn (EUR 7.1 bn). Almost 17% more than the year be- fore. Furthermore the wind energy sector employed more than 28,000 people. Wind turbines have undergone considerable technological advances and wind has become one of the most competitive renewable energy systems. This is the result of investments and the work and commitment of several innovative companies backed by world leading research and knowledge institutions and unique test facilities. But global competition is fierce and new and innovative technologies are gaining ground. We should therefore ensure good framework conditions and world class research and innovation facilities so that the Danish wind energy sector will continue to be a global front-runner in the future.
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