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U.S. Primary Energy Consumption by Source and Sector, 2010

  • Most of the energy consumed in the United States comes from fossil fuels — petroleum, coal, and natural gas, with crude oil-based petroleum products as the dominant source of energy.
  • Renewable energy resources supply a relatively small but steady portion, about 8% of U.S. total energy consumption.
  • In the late 1950s, nuclear fuel began to be used to generate electricity, and in recent years has surpassed renewable energy sources.

U.S. Primary Energy Production by Major Source, 2010

Bar chart showing Energy Production by Energy Source, 2010: Coal 22 quadrillion Btu; Natural Gas 21 quadrillion Btu;  Crude oil 11 quadrillion Btu; Nuclear electric power 8 quadrillion Btu; hydroelectric power (conventional) 4 quadrillion Btu; Biomass 3 quadrillion Btu;  Natural gas plant liquids 3 quadrillion Btu; Geothermal, solar/PV, Wind 1 quadrillion Btu.
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