Another of BC Hydro's alternative energy sources is thermal generation. This involves burning fuel to produce hot gases or steam to drive gas or steam turbines that are connected to generators.
The 950 MW Burrard Generating Station near Vancouver has a capability of 7,050 gigawatt hours per year (GWh/a). Burrard is a conventional thermal plant fuelled by natural gas. It supplements the hydroelectric system in years when water inflow is low and provides transmission support and electrical supply security for the Lower Mainland.
BC Hydro operates combustion turbine generating stations at both Prince Rupert and Fort Nelson. The 46 MW Prince Rupert Generating Station is primarily intended to provide short-term energy during transmission interruptions in this area; it is also permitted to operate 300 days a year using natural gas as the primary fuel source. Fort Nelson, a 47 MW plant, can be run only on natural gas. It provides energy to the Fort Nelson area during transmission outages and is continuously providing energy to the system grid.
The Burrard, Prince Rupert and Fort Nelson stations are registered with the environmental international standard, ISO 14001.
Last Modified: Aug 3, 2011